Do the things you love without pain ❤️

The Mobility Membership

Don't let the $10 price fool you...this program is powerful.

  • Access to full video library. New content uploaded each Month.

  • Login on any phone, computer or tablet device with internet.

  • Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) mobility training principles.

  • Improve the function of each joint in your body.

  • Convenient layout of videos organized by body part.

  • Bonus Kinstretch Classes.

  • Content, video trainings, educational seminars and resources you won't see anywhere else.

What Members Have to Say:

From over 450+ people from around the World.

Handstand Instructor


“His calm manner, smart mind and witty personality makes him a joy to hang out with! I can honestly say that I wouldn’t be as confident in teaching this type of training if it wasn’t for what I learned from Clayton. He makes it simple enough for a beginner to understand, and technical enough for coaches to learn more about how to deliver FRC training to clients. There’s SO MUCH to be gained from the Membership. Thanks Clayton for being you and simply for caring enough to share this goodness in your own unique way.”

Financial Professional & MBA Student


“Over the years, heavy weight lifting without any attention to mobility training really did a number on my hips. To the point where I partially tore my labrum in my left hip from squatting heavy. I went to a specialist and they immediately told me I needed surgery to remove a bone spur and repair the tear. Surgery was the LAST THING I wanted to do. So I started looking elsewhere. I would do your typical quick research online for that next quick fix and try it for a little while with no results. Nothing would stick. Then I found Clayton’s Kinstretch class at Ascend Pittsburgh. Right from the start, everything he taught just made so much sense to me! I was immediately hooked and quickly joined Clayton’s online Mobility Membership and have gained so much value from it. I started going through my CARs daily and having a stand-up desk at work, makes it so I probably do 20 hip CARs a day. He is constantly posting new ways to challenge your end ranges and become stronger and more mobile. And seeing Clayton on social media, doing his CARs at bus stops and in airports in front of tons of people made me feel less silly to do them in moments where I am just standing around. Some of these exercises he has taught are harder than any weight lifting I’ve ever done, but my body is feeling as good as it did when I was 16 (I’m 29 now). My left hip feels as good, if not better than my right hip and all without surgery. Clayton teaches taking ownership of your body and provides several videos in his membership to teach self-assessment. On top of it all, Clayton is just a genuine sweetie of a guy. He is so willing to engage you with any questions you have and honestly, I’m baffled how he finds the time to interact with everyone. It’s obvious he truly cares about his students. I’m excited to continually improve my mobility and create new limits for my body. This stuff works!”

UPS Driver, Yoga & Mobility Instructor


“I began using the Mobility Membership when it started and still go back to the early videos when I want to practice certain training. I’ve done hamstrings at the airport and hips at the climbing gym. These videos are really lighthearted because Clayton’s clearly having fun. His ability to cue with no-nonsense explanations stands out and is inviting to both the brand new student and the weary student who might be discouraged by their limitations (I’ve been both). If you’re new to mobility work then these videos will educate you in a welcoming way. Those with mobility experience can just relax and use Clatyon’s know-how to get their own mobility work done with more focus. I’m a mobility coach myself and I look forward to all of Clayton’s videos because I trust him as a guide.”